Thursday, September 4, 2008


So I guess I've been tagged? Whatever that means? So here goes...Heather in Pictures

My Name
Heather Mickelsen
Heather Locklear

Where I was Born
Gunnison Valley Hospital

Favorite Color

Favorite City
Good 'ole Aurora, Utah

Place I want to visit
Rome, Italy (I have an obsession with Pasta!)

Bad Habit
Playing with my Hair
Whenever I'm stressed, mad, or bored I play with my hair

Favorite Animal
Tigers (I love Them!!!!!!!!)

Past Love
Some of my best Memories are with my cheer girls!

First Job

Babysitting (of course every girl's first job is babysitting, but I babysat A LOT!)

Another Place I want to visit

Disney World

(take all my nieces and have a princess tea party with all the Disney Princesses!)

My Current Job

I am a full time student at Utah State Univeristy

and I work in the Nurery at the Child and Family Support Center


miss dawn said...

girl! I loved you in pictures! heavens I am hopeless, but so are you! I loved our stunt group picture, so many wonderful memories! I miss cheering with you, and well I just miss you. This next week is homecoming, o man here goes nothing! I call and tell you all about it, Okay? Love ya Lots! P.S. How many days left?

miquelle and cody said...

Hey Squirt,

Nice pictures. I bet you already miss me, don't you! Well, we miss you too. Love you,


miss dawn said...

HOW MANY DAY LEFT? :) you know what I'm talking about

Aly said...

hey girl!! just though i'd drop in and say hey! and i thought i'd let you know i read your blog. ha ha i'm a stalker on this thing :) but i miss you!!! glad you're doing well. oh and hey my dream is to go to rome, italy too!! :) :)