Saturday, September 15, 2012

The story of the day!

I just love Kindergarten!  This happened yesterday in class and I just have to share it!

(The whole class is reading words together on the board)

Whole class orally:  " /l/, /o/, /g/  log     /l/, /e/, /d/  led    /l/, /a/, /d/  lad"

Me:  "Ok class.  This word right here is the word lad.  I want to use lad in a sentence, but first I need to understand its meaning.  What does the word lad mean?"

(of course I was expecting that no one would know)

(just one or two children raise their hand and I call on McKay)

Me:  "McKay, what does the word lad mean?"

McKay: "It is the Scottish word for a boy."

(my reaction:  AMAZED!)

Me:  "Wow McKay!  That is exactly what a lad is!"

(we spent the rest of the lesson talking about Scotland, where it is, and how other cultures use different words than we do for different words)

Lesson of the day:  You never realize how much these little minds are ready to soak up.  Any child is ready to learn anything at anytime.  Use every moment, question, and curious thought as a time to teach a child.  Nothing is too much for them to learn!

What a great job I have!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that is really cool heather! I really wish i could see you teach i bet you are a really great teacher! Miss you and hope you and Garrett are doing good.